Monday, September 8, 2014

Heavy rain in Sierra Vista area and Carr Canyon waterfall

The heaviest rain fell from the center of Sierra Vista to south of Tombstone. The radar data shows 1" to 1.5" of rainfall in the area. At my home, received 0.56" of rain and had street flooding due to a long period of rainy and cool weather. I'm always happy to see raining in this area, and much more if I can see waterfall in Carr Canyon! Just I hope nobody get in big trouble in this wet weather. Everyone stay away from running water, specially on Moson Road.

Overcast in morning with low level cloud in Huachuca Mountains.

Carr Canyon creek near parking lot. I met a gentleman there who told me the road condition and I was able to get closer to the waterfall. If he did not tell me that, I would miss the best view of today. I don't know neither his name and he might visit my blog, just I wanted to tell him "Thank you!".

Carr Canyon waterfall pictures.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

July 27, 2014 Another hail and heavy rain night

Hereford got another round of hail and heavy rain on July 27. A few storms developed in the area during daytime, and got intense in the evening hours. Around 7PM, a large anvil from Mexico covered southern sky and storms developed rapidly from Douglas to Huachuca Mountains. Measured 0.99" of rain with a few of 1/4" diameter hail in Hereford.